Prioritizing Cultural Fit: The Key to Successful Advisor Partnerships at Diversify

While many groups prioritize solely the economic interests of advisor partnerships, at Diversify we place our primary focus on the cultural fit. We are highly selective in choosing our support teams and advisor partners, as we give careful consideration to the family-like environment we have created. Our partners are committed to doing what is right for their clients, they care about family and community, and they are focused on the long-term. We firmly believe that when the right individuals come together with a clear alignment of interest, a true partnership is formed. The outcome is a culmination of high-level innovation, effective collaboration and efficient problem-solving, allowing the economic interests of all parties to thrive.

Our Core Values

We will place investors’ needs above all else. Investors place a level of trust in us that exceeds that of perhaps any other profession. That is a level of trust that will not be taken lightly and will be the driving principle behind all of our decisions.

Investor’s Needs First

We will demonstrate and act with complete and unconditional honesty, adhering to principles of sound ethics and ensuring proper alignment of priorities.

Demonstrate Integrity

We will strategically seek successful opportunities and we will capitalize on those opportunities through creative, efficient, and effective execution.

Pursue Opportunity

We believe that in order to succeed, we must be willing and able to adapt quickly and efficiently to change. We do not shun change; we welcome it with an understanding that “races are won in the turns.”

Adapt to Change

We value and expect hard work at every level. Yet we believe that work is not our purpose in life. We value family, giving back, making a positive impact in society, and creating time to enjoy life.

Achieve Balance

Investor’s Needs First

We will place investors’ needs above all else. Investors place a level of trust in us that exceeds that of perhaps any other profession. That is a level of trust that will not be taken lightly and will be the driving principle behind all of our decisions.

Demonstrate Integrity

We will demonstrate and act with complete and unconditional honesty, adhering to principles of sound ethics and ensuring proper alignment of priorities.

Pursue Opportunity

We will strategically seek successful opportunities and we will capitalize on those opportunities through creative, efficient, and effective execution.

Adapt to Change

We believe that in order to succeed, we must be willing and able to adapt quickly and efficiently to change. We do not shun change; we welcome it with an understanding that “races are won in the turns.”

Achieve Balance

We value and expect hard work at every level. Yet we believe that work is not our purpose in life. We value family, giving back, making a positive impact in society, and creating time to enjoy life.

Tactical Advisor Group (“TAG TEAM”)

The TAG Team is comprised of a diverse group of advisor partners that regularly collaborates with Diversify’s leadership teams in the innovation and development of the Diversify advisor and client experience.

Conferences and Networking Events

Diversify hosts multiple advisor conferences and networking events throughout the year to foster collaboration, networking, learning, socializing, and idea-sharing among fellow partners from around the country. Participants walk away motivated, with fresh ideas that can be applied to their practices.

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